
Develop a solution to address Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) concerns associated with existing powered tables on wheels, such as broken electrical leads and damaged tables, which pose a risk of electric shock. Ensure flexibility in the space's configuration to accommodate multiple purposes while mitigating these risks


MEM in collaboration with the client, BECA (a leading consulting and engineering agency), and a prominent Australian electrical manufacturer, designed an innovative concept that underwent development, testing, and a three-month trial period. The trial proved to be successful overall, with minor adjustments made based on insights gained. Following these adjustments, the product was implemented across 344 tables after hours, minimizing disruptions to building users.


The project was deemed successful and received approval from the client, BECA, Rado Starec, and an Electrical Inspector, marking this solution as the first of its kind in the Australian market. Notably, there have been no reported Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) incidents to date, and the electrical infrastructure remains undamaged. This achievement addresses a significant safety concern (electric shock) that is often associated with the use of powered tables and desks within the industry.